Financial reward is the most common reason why you should learn to trade. There’s really no doubt that people get into trading because of the financial reward. But did you realize learning and practicing the art of trading can positively… Continue Reading →
It will take time to learn how to effectively use stock technical analysis to make money in the stock market. The good news is you don’t have to learn with real money. You can start to identify and paper trade… Continue Reading →
The Dow Jones Average Index will give you insight into information to help you better understand the market. The Dow Jones is comprised of the largest companies in the world and there is a lot of information that you can… Continue Reading →
There are a lot of different thoughts on how to create a position trading strategy. Some use seasonality or catalysts events to develop their strategies. Others used a long-term contrarian momentum play to develop their strategies. What is a Position… Continue Reading →
There are many options when it comes to trading courses. The problem is finding one that will teach how to consistently make money. “Give a man a fish; you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish; you… Continue Reading →
Have you ever asked yourself, “What is a trading strategy?” If you have, this information is for you. The first thing that may come to mind is a strategy to enable you to trade something. This is actually a good… Continue Reading →
The Darvas box is one of my favorite technical patterns. This is a very simple and easy way to identify technical arrangement that follows a distinct supply and demand pattern. What is the Darvas box? A Darvas box is a… Continue Reading →